I've applied in 2021 and 2022 and improved my rank from 64th to 3rd nationally. When I told colleagues I was applying to ophthalmology, they often replied with how competitive it is and how rare it is to get a training number. I created this platform because I want to demystify the idea that a ST1 Ophthalmology job isn't achievable.
Having been through the process twice, I have insight into what the 'low hanging fruit' points are that will help with the ST1 Ophthalmology portfolio and have tips on how to ace an ST1 Ophthalmology interview online!
There are a number of ophthalmology courses out there that I went on, but what I feel they lacked was a 1:1 approach. The service I offer will be a 1:1 tailored personal approach on how you as an individual can improve your application.
Also, it doesn't stop at the session you booked! I'd be more than happy to be contacted at any point throughout the process to help revisit your portfolio/answer questions and concerns all the way to the end!